Executive HR Movers and Shakers

Congratulations to some of the FTSE Executive HR leaders that have secured a new role or been promoted in the past 6 months. Penny Daniels highlights below…

FTSE100 Movers
Ranjay Radhakrishnan – Reckitt Benckiser
Kate Seljeflot – Kingfisher
Sarah Morris – Compass Group 
Jacky (Morrissey) Simmonds -Experian
Darren Littleboy– DS Smith 
Wayne Hoare – IHG

FTSE100 Promotions
Kerry Dryburgh – BP
Lionel Mason – Next 

FTSE 250 Movers
Natalia Kozmina – Convatec 
Emma Rose – Travis Perkins
Marianne Moberg – Utility Warehouse 

FTSE250 Promotions
Susan Ferguson – Microfocus
Kim Kersey – Aggreko

From my recent research and conversations, more change anticipated before the end of the year in the FTSE350 – there are a number of businesses that have empty seats, don’t have HR on their Executive team, or who have Interims holding the fort. 

Outside the FTSE350, we have seen over 180 Executive HR movers in the last 6 months.

If you would be interested in a more detailed insight into the Executive HR market, give me a call. I place HR talent from £120k-£500k base salaries across the UK and internationally.

Emma Castillo

Emma Castillo

Practice Lead - Executive Search

Sarah Alexander

Sarah Alexander

Director – Executive Search

Carly Field

Carly Field

Executive Engagement and Research Manager

Amy Morris

Amy Morris

Managing Director - UK

Richard Colgan

Richard Colgan

Founder and CEO