by Karl Helliwell | Jul 8, 2024 | News, Uncategorized
CHROnicle Each interview delves into the pivotal experiences that each individual has gone through, with their reflections, learnings and advice. As specialist HR Search Partners, we understand the value of learning from those at the helm. Their narratives are more...
by Karl Helliwell | Jun 18, 2024 | News, Uncategorized
Continuing our Movers & Shakers series, today we look at high profile appointments of CPOs within the commerce and industry sectors. Over the past six months, the commerce and industry sectors have witnessed a series of significant HR board-level appointments that...
by Karl Helliwell | Jun 6, 2024 | News, Uncategorized
Oakleaf Executive has seen a number of senior moves within the London market across all areas of HR. There has been significant movement within the Senior Reward market revealing a renewed optimism in hiring over the last six months. With businesses navigating the...
by Karl Helliwell | Dec 4, 2023 | Events, News
Cultural Intelligence with guest speaker Ritika Wadhwa. Oakleaf Executive were delighted to have CEO and Founder of Prabhaav Global, Ritika Wadhwa as our guest speaker at our breakfast event on cultural intelligence. We learnt that cultural intelligence, or CQ for...
by Karl Helliwell | Jun 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
The first six months of 2023 have seen continued demand for Chief People Officers and HR Directors, despite uncertainty in the wider economy. This is backed up by recent data which shows the number of HR employees within an organisation has increased. In addition, we...