Breakfast event November 2023

Cultural Intelligence with guest speaker Ritika Wadhwa.

Oakleaf Executive were delighted to have CEO and Founder of Prabhaav Global,  Ritika Wadhwa as our guest speaker at our breakfast event on cultural intelligence.

We learnt that cultural intelligence, or CQ for short, refers to an individual’s capacity to understand and work effectively across diverse cultures and in culturally varied situations.  Ritika is on a mission to bring inclusion and innovation to the heart of organisations and aims to harness the transformational power of cultural intelligence to develop impactful leadership. CQ goes beyond simply being aware of cultural differences; it includes the capacity to adapt one’s behaviour and communication style appropriately in different contexts.

During the breakfast, Ritika shared her perspective that HR is undergoing its 3rd evolution: from Personnel to Strategic Business Partnering, to now enabling people to do their best work . In the masterclass, we discussed some key points:

Why does it matter?

  • In a globally connected world, various cultures interact with others from diverse cultural backgrounds—be it colleagues, suppliers, or prospective clients, both globally and domestically.
  • Understanding the cultural context in which business is conducted can lead to better negotiation outcomes, successful collaborations, and improved customer relations.
  • Teams composed of individuals with high cultural intelligence are better equipped to work harmoniously, navigating diverse perspectives and fostering a positive and inclusive working environment.
  • CQ is measurable, with extensive insights and data available to help individuals quantify their ability to function effectively in culturally diverse settings.

Oakleaf Executive have hosted several highly informative events throughout 2023 and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our guest speakers and partners. We are planning our 2024 calendar, so watch this space for even more!

Please contact us at if you would like to more information or reach out to one of our team members below.

Article By Damien Barnett
Principal – Executive Search